
“I was from the creative-disorganized type – starting projects without finishing them, constantly under stress, not delegating tasks to my employees but taking over theirs and even after all that I found myself in serious disagreements with the people around me. With low organization skills, low self-motivation and low assertiveness no wonder that I was not an effective manager. I worked a lot but could not manage anything and that turned me into a touchy, whimsical, intolerant person who is not actively listening and understanding the others. I was nor flexible, nor adaptive and the company mirrored my problems. I am even convinced that if I hadn’t started the change with OSM, today my company would not be present on the market as the most important asset, the People, would have left me long time ago.“

That was Strachil Atanassov 2 and a half years ago.

How did it all begin?

In July 2017, a friend of his invited him to an event and Strachil visited it with the idea of getting into contact with new potential customers there. What happened in fact was that Reni found and contacted him at the event. She was an Open Source Management (OSM) consultant, only 25 years old. And their conversation brought to Strachil some answers of the puzzle mixed up long time ago.

She gave him the books „The new leaders“ and „The Ethics of excellence“ and he took them with him for mountain vacation with his kid in August 2017.

His life challenges continued – a divorce, court procedures, working problems. It was extremely difficult to share with Reni the troubles with his wife. He even introduced the 2 ladies to each other because he already felt the long road ahead.

In addition there was one person more Strachil was in a trouble with. A girl recruited for Sales manager, recommended by some of his friends. She came from another company with similar type of business and she brought a lot of clients. That gave her an advantage and a big salary … about which the new colleagues understood at some point. Another collapse in the next 6 months happened.

And then Strachil did the I-Profile test. The unstable results mirrored his mixed up personality and not effective management. He was in front of a drastic change.

That was the turning point, where the brain switched off and intuition switched on to give a second chance of the story. Strachil, as most of the entrepreneurs, hesitated signing the contract but finally jumped into causativity. Not knowing the program, he signed in.

He offered also the I-Profile test to his Sales manager but she refused, another indicator for something wrong and unethical.

So, what is an I-Profile test?

An instrument, specially developed by OSM to evaluate the human potential through 242 questions. The graphic result gives a picture of the behavior and the productivity of the tested individual. It helps us assess also the emotional and the motivational situation around him.

The I-Profile doesn’t put a label, a tag, on the person but it is an amazing tool to deeply understand and foresee a person’s habits. Habits are subject of a change, and a change is possible if only the person is ready and determined to do it. It is a process that takes time.

Either you are ready to change, either you don’t start it at all. Because the OSM training program is a long-term decision and you have to be ready to dedicate at least a year to achieve a result. The best way to get engaged is to pay its full price in advance. There is no way to improve significantly with 1-2 training days only…

The date 23.08.2017 is crucial – Strachil passed the first Leadership training and the One-to-one coaching (a 2-day personal coaching).

One-to-one is extremely challenging and emotional training through which the demotivating person around you is identified. The 2-day coaching unleashes strong energy, removes all barriers, and frees you out of your personal cocoon.
Then, the Bologna training started for Strachil. It is personalized training for a 1-year period in the business school of OSM called Mind Business School (MBS). You change your mindset, you change your environment, you change everything. And yes, of course that it sounds like a science fiction in the beginning for everyone. But when you face the Cause and Effect law and perspective changes too. A causative person steps forward and changes not only for himself but impacts also the world around.

And the second test of Strachil:

and besides the graphic itself, his friends keep asking him: “You have changed completely. How?“

And Strachil puts it short: „I have passed an one-year course for those who dare, and now I feel alive, full of emotion and energy and my business is growing and I am also trained for a consultant of OSM.“

In 2020 he is one of the core OSM consultants. A voice that speaks out loud and gives practical examples. Because everyone in OSM has changed his life first through the methodology and then started to help other people.

That is Strahil’s story. What could be yours?

Source of the article: renetavasileva.com

Contact me at i.zorzetto@osmanagement.it and see our services at www.osminternational.com.
