Ivan Zorzetto
How is OSM giving you the edge?
Why should you trust our training program?
Your business is the hero. Yet, most of the companies follow the same route –
setting up the business and the organizational structure, delegating responsibilities, then if there are resources like time and money –
only then they are invested in motivating the team with training and team-building activities.
Let’s rewind back to the paragraph now and you will understand the difference that OSM makes.
Our starting point is the people. They are the true heroes. We care about their personal troubles and we begin our intervention from there. We use our 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. time to focus on their individual circumstances and characteristics and to do this, we put in place emotions, great emotions. We apply the emotional approach because it is what fuels the business processes on a daily basis and what generates big ideas which shake the status quo and drive progress. This makes a company grow and turn into a leader in their area of work.
This is the OSM magic and this is how it can give you the edge. We are changing the WORLD by applying counter-intuitive actions - it is the opposite to what you would normally get from a training service provider - we make you step out of your comfort zone.
But isn’t it like this also in life? We usually wait for some trauma to occur, for some considerate trouble to shake us in order to change our behavior and look for a way to improve.
Why should you trust our training program?
We literally walk into our clients’ shoes - our methodology requires for our consultants to spend 2 days, every two months, following the training program that we also offer to our business partners. We know what we are doing and we are constantly improving ourselves and the program itself in order to provide the very best practice for the business. We apply the Communication training in our daily life, our Sales skills in the interaction with people, our Public speaking know-how when we present the OSM values in front of a potential client. We have tested and proven that everything we believe in and teach makes a real change in people's lives. The dreams of our clients become ours as well. We incorporate emotion and give value. We ourselves are the social proof of our training program. And that is the reason why our OSM family expands rapidly with every single day.
Let’s take a look also at the practical side of the story.
If you maintain your business without any training, a big part of the company processes would follow the trial and error approach. This is expensive in the long run.
If you maintain your business with only one or two training activities per year, you will grow but very slowly.
By attending a complete professional training program you will skyrocket your business. Our program will prepare you to evaluate, understand and grow the human potential of your company, to get the demotivating people and unproductive habits out of the way, to raise the eagerness, responsibility and reliability of your collaborators.
Now is the time to make sure your corporate culture is in great shape and your dreams and vision are well-placed in the minds and the hearts of your colleagues. Leaders should create a positive environment that retains and develops people and thus guarantee the success of the company.
We have all noticed in the last couple of years that the business owners are no longer those who choose their personnel. People choose their employer as they are no longer looking for an organization that will merely use their time, but for a place where they would feel appreciated and with an opportunity to grow. They look for an employer that puts people first.
Dear business owners, do not continue to look for employees, just be a leader that everyone wants to work with. Check the OSM Values in the image above once again and sign up for our training program.
Now this makes sense, right? 🙂
Developed exclusively by Open Source Management and its founding partner Paolo Ruggeri, the I-Profile Analysis test was piloted for four years, by conducting over 150 000 analyses of managers, business partners, salespeople and other personnel, before launching into the general market.
Those who do not know the art of selling lose 80% of the opportunities to close a deal. The relationship-building skills of the salesperson count more than the product or service itself. Our sales training course will bring the best added value to your team.
Leadership is the ability to fire the enthusiasm within your collaborators. It is that extra ingredient that charges those around you and allows them to improve their professional performance. Leadership is a skill that can be learned.
A speaker’s success depends 50% on the personality and 50% on the technical aspects of the data delivery. The Public Speaking course will boost your confidence and teach you how to establish an effective interaction with the audience.
This training will put you in a one-to-one interaction with a business consultant for two consecutive days - this is a profound experience of resetting your pre-existing mechanism of operating autonomously and in relation to other people which would raise your personal effectiveness significantly.
A transformative event on mastering time management! Full of practical exercises and real-life scenarios to conquer time constraints, define pending tasks, and develop actionable strategies. It will leave you with a clear goal and action steps to manage the long-standing issue of having no time.
A high-value event dedicated to supplier management and organization, personnel selection and recruitment, and selling your project. You will learn how to attract successful salespeople, kick-start their careers, and build a high-performing sales network while managing objections and achieving your goals. Discover the secrets of a strong sales network and how to realize your entrepreneurial dream!

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